20 April 2011

The Loss of a Loved One

So, how do we say goodbye to something or someone we love?  Or do we?  Last Thursday, ABC announced the cancellation of a part of my family.  One Life to Live has been part of my day for as long as I can remember.  My school days were filled with anticipation about getting home to see the show (which I used to watch, being careful not to let my mom notice I had re-wound her tape) and to find out what was going on in Llanview.  The characters on OLTL have helped me through some of the darkest days of my life; coming out, the death of a lover, medical nightmares, family crises, unemployment, and more.   I find myself feeling like I am watching a loved one get taken off life support.  

I wonder what I can do to help them this time?

As the Peabo Bryson title song says:

"...time only knows, how long forever's gonna last...'cuz we only have One Life to Live!" 

Well, with my one life, I am going to do my best to help the window into Llanview stay open!


  1. wow its how i feel as well...........

  2. justjoe-it is amazing how in three short months, we have seen so much change....

  3. i miss llanview so much
